
Best Practice 1

Title of the practice:  Automation of Examination and Evaluation related processes

Objectives of practice:

   a) Timely and transparent publication of internal and external evaluation results, attendance.

   b) Update teacher evaluation

   c) Redressal of student grievances, if any.

   d) Communication between teachers and students

   e) Examination related work



While the measurement of learning cannot be adequately measured by the examination system, it is one of the systems available at the moment. Late publication of results, suspicions of result manipulation and not addressing genuine grievances of the students regarding the conduct of exams and publication of results will have a negative impact on the morale of the students and their results.

The practice:

a. Adequate pre-notice about the date and schedule of tests conducted by the College

b. Attendance entered regularly, students can view the same.

c. Previous question papers are available in the College website.

d. Examination related works are completely automated.

e. Timely and transparent publication of internal and external evaluation results, attendance

f. Internal marks are uploaded per semester, students can view the same.

g. The final results are published and displayed as early as possible to ensure that students have an opportunity to go through them and bring forth complaints, if any.

h. Students are given the opportunity to evaluate teachers. Teachers can view their evaluation and do necessary rectification in their teaching methodology.

i. Through teachers’ portal, teachers can share notes and power point presentations with students.


Evidence of success:

1. Students have expressed their satisfaction with the system.

2. The number of pending complaints from students at the end of an academic semester has gone down to negligible for all tests conducted by the departments.

3. Timely publication of results


Problems encountered:

All students may not have net connection and access at home


Resources required:

Lack of space becomes a problem when multiple exams are conducted and results need to be published simultaneously.



Best Practice 2

The Title of the Practice - Entrepreneurship Development Initiative

Goal :

The aim of this initiative is to promote Entrepreneurship skills among student community and also promote gainful employment opportunities.

The Context :

Modern day is the day of entrepreneurship. Students after completing their course programmes go in search of employment, but only a few could get employment they prefer or desire. Considering this and keeping in tune with the vision of the Institution, College has devised various Entrepreneurship Development Initiatives so that the students can utilise their talent and skills to make a better living. These students groups from the College level can join together to form their own units and become successful entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

The Practice :

College has been imparting various programmes for skill development of students.

Problems Encountered and Resources required :

Funding is a problem for the College. There is time constraint for students to pursue these activities. However faculty and students tries their best to overcome the hurdles and to bring in positive results. Educational institutions can help students develop their skills by merging theory to practice. The students can get a base with the support of faculty and peers. This is to be looked into by the educational institutions.

Contact Us

Gautam Buddha Mahila College, S.K Road,
Behind Civil Line Thana, Gaya, Bihar - 823001

Phone: 0631-2220442
Email: principal@gbmcollegegaya.ac.in